Over the
next however many blog entries I make I will be taking you through some vital
points that need to be addressed as you create a murder mystery party. Since I
am currently creating such a party, it seems like an excellent time to share
some key pieces of information and to be able to show you what I am doing as we
go along.
you are thinking about writing or putting together a murder mystery entertainment
party the first thing you need to think about is this: What interesting
occasion is happening when the murder occurs? For instance just having someone
die at a regular house party or awards ceremony is boring. There must be
some exciting reason for people to be gathered together. This is a fictional
event on top of if it is for someone's birthday or anniversary.

Tale of the Midnight Genie
If the adventures in the Arabian Nights had been
1002 nights long, instead of 1001, you would have heard the incredible tale of
'The Midnight Genie'. This genie was not trapped in a bottle, but he hid in
one. Tired of constantly being besieged to grant wishes, curse enemies and find
lost camels, the genie escaped into the solitude of a bottle refusing to come
out. For thousands of years no one saw the magic jinn.
Then, one midnight, a ravishing princess was dancing
on the sand outside of the cave where the genie's vessel was sequestered. The
pulsing rhythms of the dance, road the wind into the still air of the bottle.
Something inside began to awaken. The genie grew curious. For the first time,
in a long time, the enchanter was enchanted and left his dwelling to gaze upon
the form of the dexterous dancer.
Smitten by the sultry seductress, the genie offered
the princess three wishes. For her last wish, in hopes of repeating her good
fortune, the woman wished for the genie to be forever enticed by dancing. Whenever someone's dance beat could match the
rhythm of the jinn's mood he would be obliged to leave his bottle and grant
them three wishes. The magician had no chose. He did make the wish provisional
though. The dancing could only entice him on the anniversary of the night that
the princess first charmed him from his bottle.
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