Thursday, August 06, 2015

Crime Writers join celebration!

Crime writers are joining author, Eileen Schuh, as she celebrates achieving 500 facebook 'likes' and 5,000 Twitter followers within days of each other. Although this doesn’t make her famous, it has put her in the festive mood.

"I'm looking to get at least 500 entries," Schuh says of the massive multi-author give-away she organized. "Five thousand would be awesome!"

Twelve authors came together to provide 16 prizes ranging from short stories, to entire series, from ebooks to paperbacks, from kids’ fantasy to contemporary adult romance, crime fiction, scifi, and everything in between. The Rafflecopter draw offers something to suit everyone’s reading pleasure.

For crime fiction fans, there's Luke Murphy's brand new release KISS & TELL. New releases aren't  often offered as prizes, so this is special!  Reviewers call it "a real page turner" and "a suspenseful crime novel".

Perhaps you'd like to win a hard-copy of A WORK OF ART  by Melody Maysonet "Tera's hopes for the future explode when the police arrest her dad for an unspeakable crime..." Teen lit at its best. is offering two winners a pick of her novels in their choice of eBook or paperback format. That includes the four books in her ongoing BackTracker series which follows the life of young Katrina Buckhold. At age thirteen she falls in with a biker gang, is eventually rescued, testifies against the bikers, and grows up to pursue a career in law enforcement. Her traumatic past haunts her as do those seeking revenge. The BackTracker Series includes: THE TRAZ Book 1, THE TRAZ School Edition, FATAL ERROR  Book 2, FIREWALLS Book 3. also plays a role in her two Science Fiction novellas, DISPASSIONATE LIES or SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT 

SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT explores what it would be like to live in alternate universes--two worlds, two lives, too much for one woman and includes a bitter custody battle and perhaps murder.

DISPASSIONATE LIES is a near-future tale about computers,
conspiracies, and female sexuality.Exactly who stole the libido of an entire generation of females?

A summary of all the prizes along with the contest entry form can be found on Schuh’s blog, Magic of the Muses.  Entry forms are also on her website and below.

Scroll down to where it says to log in to enter this giveaway. Sign in with either your facebook account (just click the facebook icon) or your email address as she does need to know who you are and how to contact you should you win! If you leave a comment below this post, you'll earn an extra entry. If you are a Tweeter and click the tweet icon to promote this giveaway, you'll get an extra entry. Click across the series of little circles to see all the prizes.

In keeping with the spirit of the festivities, entry into the draw has been made easy. Everyone is invited to enter and enter often. She will be drawing a different winner for each prize so the more often you enter, the better chance you have of getting the book/s you want.

Entries will be accepted until midnight September 3, 2015. Good luck!


A couple of Chill with a Book authors are joining fellow member, Eileen Schuh, in celebrating her social networking successes! Schuh recently received over 500 likes of her facebook author page and 5,000 followers on Twitter.
To commemorate the occasion, Schuh organized a massive Rafflecopter giveaway and enticed a dozen authors to contribute prizes.
From short stories, to entire series, from ebooks to paperbacks, from kids’ fantasy to contemporary adult romance, crime fiction, scifi, and everything in between, the draw with a chance to win one or more of 16 prizes offers something to suit everyone’s reading pleasure.The rafflecopter draw which runs for month includes books from